Fényvisszaverő fóliát, más néven PET laminált acélfóliát, gyakran használják a különböző lámpák belső membránjában, amely fokozhatja a lámpa fényvisszaverő képességét és védi a lámpát, valamint védi a korróziót és a rozsdásodást.
Light reflective film can also be called PET laminated steel film, usually used for pearlescent white color, pearlescent white has a strong reflectivity, can better play the lighting role of lamps, loved by lamp manufacturers. Due to the limited width of our equipment, we can only do the length of less than 2 meters, the length is less than 5000 meters, and the thickness can be customized for customers according to the use scenario. The light reflective film is laminating by the laminating machine, without excessive cutting and moving, the light reflective film is laminating with iron or aluminum sheets and other plates, and can be directly pressed into the required shape for the next process. The light reflective film can prevent the rust and oxidation of the plate, wear resistance and scratch resistance, and can replace the existing paint process, which is more environmentally friendly.
Szín: testreszabható
Normál vastagság: 90-135 mic (testreszabható)
Szélesség tartomány: 250-1800 mm (testreszabható)
Length range :500-5000m/ volume (customizable)